Data Release 1.0 Available for HCP Lifespan Aging and Development

Author: Jenn Elam
Published: May 21, 2019

Announcing the first data release from the Lifespan Human Connectome Projects on the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)! Data from two studies of healthy individuals are now available to authorized NDA users: HCP-Aging (HCP-A, ages 36-100+) and HCP Development (HCP-D, ages 5-21).

Lifespan HCP Release 1.0 Data includes unprocessed data of all modalities (structural MRI, resting state fMRI, task fMRI, and diffusion MRI) for 600+ subjects each from HCP-A and HCP-D and minimally preprocessed structural MRI data (only) for 129 HCP-A and 84 HCP-D subjects, respectively. Basic demographic information is also available on all released subjects. Because some subjects in these studies are related, unrelated datasets are available as shared packages or can be filtered on to create a custom package in NDA. 

Read HCP Data Access Instructions for step-by-step instructions on obtaining the data. If you are new to the NDA, see below instructions.

Join us for HCP Course 2019 July 8-12 in Portland, Oregon, USA if you want to learn more about how to get the most out of Lifespan data and all about the tools and methods developed by the HCP.

Only a few weeks left to register!

If you don't currently have an account on the NDA, start the process by creating an NDA account

Request access to the Lifespan HCP data by: 

1. Log in and go to your Data Permissions dashboard.

2. Request Access to the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) permissions group.

3. Complete the access request instructions.

For detailed information on the process or criteria for access, visit Access Review

** If you already have access to ABCD data, you only need to login to NDA to access Lifespan HCP data.

Stay tuned for future releases in the coming months for more processed Lifespan image and behavioral data on these subjects and hundreds more!